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Jun 23, 2006

Podcast 194:

El Jede del DAEM Nancagua, Osvaldo Toledo Verdugo, saluda a la comunidad de la Escuela Adriana Lyon Vial de Los Callejones de Nancagua.


over ten years ago

Tambie9n les han de fallar con el pstuupreseo y no les alcanza para completar las letras del anuncio. Como comenta Cassiopeia, tal vez quisieron poner "is cool". Que9 onda, sigues enmaraf1ado en tu propia red?Sale pues, cueddate, luego nos leemos.

over ten years ago

Good Job Vince! We've been hit several times over the years from our Trimaran TORU . The most rcneet though, was from a beater' car I thought wouldn't be a target. They broke in and took the Blaupunckt stereo. They dropped a cellphone but the police said it was untraceable. I guess I'm lucky they left the tires! Keep up the good work! peace, Tom